Tudo sobre presidente

Antonio Guterres destacou de que uma guerra nuclear significaria "a destruiçãeste do planeta" WhatsApp

Atriz e cantora de 'Grease' fez shows no Rio e em Sãeste Paulo em 2016, quando lembrou a primeira visitante ao país

Após deixar a presidência, Trump continuou, em discursos e conversas privadas, a perpetuar a falsa ideia do de que a eleiçãeste por 2020 havia sido roubada dele e que o fato dele deter sido banido do twitter, facebook e instagram era uma FORMATO por censura por Parcela DE Big Techs.

Bolsonaro has also repeatedly made admiring comments about a number of other Latin American dictatorships. He praised Peruvian president Alberto Fujimori as a role model for his use of military intervention via self-coup against the judiciary and legislature.[10] In a 1998 interview with Aprecie magazine, Bolsonaro praised the Chilean dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet, and said the Pinochet regime, which killed over 3,000 Chilean citizens, "should have killed more people".

“I’m calling on my best and most dedicated supporters to add their names to stand with me in my impending lawsuit against fake news CNN,” wrote Trump.

Barr also surmises that it looks like prosecutors are "going to try to get a ruling on the issue of executive privilege," given reports by ABC News and other news outlets that former White House counsel Pat Cipollone has been subpoenaed to appear before the grand jury.

In July 2021, Bolsonaro claimed on Brazilian radio that his government's greatest achievement was "two and a half years without corruption".[127] In the same month, a scandal dubbed "vaccine-gate" emerged. After months of denying offers of vaccines and bartering the costs, Bolsonaro's government made a deal to buy the unapproved Covaxin vaccine from the Indian company Bharat Biotech at a very high price.

Contrary to Manafort's claim, the data was not from the bolsonaro jair facebook spring. It was collected by the campaign in mid-July — two weeks before the meeting with Kilimnik. 

It's one of Manafort's primary lines of defense — jair bolsonaro últimas notícias morreu hoje that the data he funneled to Kilimnik was essentially worthless.

Contratar empré especialmentestitos este celebrar cualquiera otra clase de operaciones de que puedan comprometer el empréstimo este la responsabilidad financiera del Estado, por las entidades semifiscales, autónomas, de los gobiernos regionales este por las municipalidades, y condonar, reducir este modificar obligaciones, intereses u otras cargas financieras por cualquier naturaleza establecidas en benefício del Fisco este do los organismos este entidades referidos.

Uma câmera por monitoramento flagrou este momento em que os Veículos da vítima teriam passado através Rodovia Ayrton Senna no dia do crime.

In early August 2021, Bolsonaro threatened to respond with unconstitutional measures to an investigation of his baseless allegations of fraud vulnerabilities in Brazil's electronic voting system, because he deemed that investigation unconstitutional.

En 1943 se introdujo la primera do reforma constitucional a la Carta de 1925, a travé especialmentes de la ley 7727. Entre otras materias, se redujo la libertad de iniciativa legislativa do los senadores y diputados, concediendo exclusividad al presidente de modo a presentar proyectos por ley en materia do alteración por la división política este administrativa del país, para crear nuevos servicios públicos este empleos rentados, y de modo a conceder o aumentar sueldos y gratificaciones al personal por la Administración Pública, de las companhias fiscales y de las instituciones semifiscales; respecto de tales iniciativas, el Congreso Nacional solo podía aceptar, disminuir o rechazar jornalismo los servicios, empleos, emolumentos o aumentos de que se propusieran.

1 Recognized by the National Assembly as "interim president" but not by Maduro as part of a presidential crisis

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